By registering on this site and creating a user profile you agree that this information may be viewed in certain parts of this website and may be visible to other registered users (only if logged in) on the interactive floor plan or under “find my roommate”.
Anything you post on the “Student Wall” will be visible to other registered users (only if logged in) including your profile information.
If you decide to contact another user via this website you are aware that the contact will be made using the email address you provided in your profile and will be visible to the person you try to contact. You will only be able to view their address if they decide to reply.
The same goes if you decide to reply to a contact request using your own email account, the recipient will be able to view your email address upon receipt, unless your account is setup otherwise.
Should the renter for any reason withdraw his or her registration after receiving the rental contract, he or she accepts to cover the costs of CHF 100.- excluding VAT and pay Livit AG for having prepared the contract.